Business and Investment Consultancy in Bhutan
Business Plan Preparation
Bhutan Consultancy prepares creation of Business Plan to customers, company’s economic and financial analysis model, objectives, balance sheet analysis and related risks.
Our forecasts are validated by economic and financial analyses on primary and secondary sources, to ensure precise and accurate forecasts.
The document includes an analysis of the reference market and above all a financial analysis which will include the intermediate estimates of the income statement in order to determine the profitability of the idea.
The Business Plan pursues several objectives: in addition to determining a program of financial and strategic analysis of the business activity, it is a fundamental tool for potential investors in order to allow them to evaluate the validity of the project.
Bhutan Consultancy creates a complete business plan: the approach adopted aims to offer an extremely reliable and presentable document directly to potential investors.
We creates an extremely personalized and structured business plan in order to be consistent for potential investors or use it internally to set medium and long-term objectives.
The flexibility and attitude to adopt innovative approaches to startups lead to the drafting of a highly personalized planning that can fully satisfy the needs of the company.
Feasibility Study
Businesses today operate in fast-paced activity fields. The product life cycles are shrinking, and new-age and innovative products are taking the centre stage of business. New manufacturing technology and supply chain mechanisms are coming to the fore every year, promising better product quality, faster turnaround time and reduced manufacturing costs. Customer preferences are changing rapidly, and with so much choice available, a high performing product can become obsolete before the brand owners even realise.
Both start-up businesses and established organisations are always on the lookout for potential investors to support them with their growth and expansion ambitions. Whether to invest or not remains a big decision at all times! As experienced feasibility study consultants in Bhutan, we would be able to provide you with the information and insights you need to make an informed decision.
With this as the backdrop, it is imperative for any business house or business investor to understand the potential and feasibility of a proposed project before making the investment decision.
At Bhutan Consultancy, our team of feasibility consultants takes all the key parameters into consideration while assessing the situation. We obtain a deep insight into macroeconomic parameters and industry movements. Based on these analyses, we prepare detailed reports on how a project can be expected to perform in the current and projected economic environment.
Feasibility Analysis
The feasibility study aims to define and understand the feasibility of an initiative, outlining the execution plan and estimating costs and benefits.
The primary objective of the feasibility analysis is to identify the risks and opportunities of the project, thus defining the probability of success.
The feasibility study carried out by Bhutan Consultancy analyzes alternative development options, so as to select the one that is most likely to achieve the objective and subjective objectives defined by the customer.
Financial Projections
Financial projections involve a detailed exercise of analysis of past and current performance, factoring in various market dynamics and an organisation’s future plans to forecast future financial statements for the company.
A company needs to be ready with reasoned financial projections whether it is aiming to raise capital, reach out to potential buyers or evaluating a business acquisition. A major dichotomy comes into play as the seller is tempted to overstate the projections, whilst the buyer would want to take those with “ a pinch of salt”. This is where the role of independently prepared financial projections becomes crucial.
We at Bhutan Consultancy have a team of professionally qualified consultants with widespread experience across a wide range of industries. Our team adopts a continuous process of researching industry and economic parameters, runs various scenarios using modelling techniques and produces detailed and sustainable financial projections tailored to the assignment in hand. We ensure that the financial projections are well presented, in a user-friendly format with assumptions, ratio and sensitivity analyses. This enables our clients to take well informed decisions, thereby increasing the chances of achieving their financial objectives.
Entry Strategy & Company Formation
Strategic Alliances & Joint Venture Consultants
Joint ventures (JV) have been a popular choice for companies intending to gain access to markets, technology, capital and other know-how. Having said that, selecting the right company to get into a JV relationship with, can prove to be a tough deal. A wrong choice of partners or a poor execution in crafting the way forward can have a detrimental impact on the JV organisation. Before confirming a relationship, both parties have to clearly understand each other’s culture, commercial aims and operational strengths and weakness, thereby increasing the chances that the marriage holds good and can accomplish the goals of the Joint Venture. An established joint venture consultant can provide you the perspective you need to do that level of decision-making.
Bhutan Consultancy have been instrumental in forging many joint venture and strategic alliance relationships. Our immense experience in Business Development in Bhutan and experience having worked with International Investors has given us the expertise to enables us in identifying and introduce appropriate potential joint venture partners. We are also well versed with the art of strategic alliance consulting and strategic alliance management, and the various issues that can arise in negotiating these agreements and management and shareholder agreements, which can often make or break the deal.
We have facilitated the Joint Venture and setting up of two FDI companies in Bhutan – OCL Bhutan Limited and Druk NCL Limited between investors in India and Bhutan for setting up manufacturing plants. The entire process includes finding common ground between the investors, identifying areas of expertise and technology, allocating resources, negotiation, preparing shareholding agreement and finally with company incorporation in Bhutan under the FDI Department of the Royal Government of Bhutan.