Water Resources and Climate Change Expert

Name: Tenzin Wangmo

Date of birth:  03/03/1973


School, college and/or University Attended

Degree/certificate or other specialized education obtained

Date Obtained

The Australian National University,Canberra, Australia.

Masters in Environmental Management and Development


Royal Institute of Management, Thimphu

Administrative Management Programme


Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Trashigang

Bachelors of Science


Professional certification or membership in Professional Associations:

Climate Diplomacy Advisor to the Least Developed Countries Group Chair under UN Climate Change, 2021- till date

Lead negotiator for the Least Developed Countries Group under UN Climate Change process, 2019-2020

National Focal Point to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2018-till date

Member of Technical Advisory Committee of the Least Developed Countries Group Initiative on Effective Adaptation and Resilience, 2020 – till date

Member Secretary of the multi-sectoral Climate Change Coordination Committee, NEC, 2018-2020

Project Board Member of GEF/LDCF UNDP Assisted Project “Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience of Forest Landscape and Community Livelihoods”, 2018 -2020

Board Member of the GEF/UNDP assisted Bhutan Sustainable Low Emission Urban Transport Systems Project, 2019-2020

Member Secretary of multi-sectoral Water Resource Technical Advisory Committee, NEC, 2016-2018

Member Secretary of the Wangchu Basin Committee, 2016-2017

Member of Bhutan Water Partnership, Royal Society for Protection of Nature, 2014-2018

Member of Global Water Partnership South Asia (GWP SAS), International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka, 2015-2018.

Member of the Mainstreaming Reference Group (MRG), GNHC & NEC, Thimphu, 2012-2015. Vice-President of the Women Association of Bumthang, Bumthang, 2010-2011.

Other Relevant Training

Leading the Local Government in Bhutan, 20-31 July 2015 (tailor made leadership program for young leaders of the Royal Government of Bhutan), Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines, 2015.

Result Based Management and Project Management, Bangkok School of Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013.

Strategic Environmental Assessment, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, 2012.

Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in all Development Activities in Bhutan, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, 2012.

Result Based Management & Macro Development Planning, Center for Development & Research in Evaluation, Malaysia, 2006


Countries of Work Experience




















Employment Record


November 2020


Till date


Climate Analytics

Position Held:

Climate Diplomacy Advisor


February 2018


October 2020


National Environment Commission

Position Held:

Chief of Climate Change Division


January 2014


January 2018


National Environment Commission

Position Held:

Chief of Water Resource Coordination Division


January 2011


December 2013


Gross National Happiness Commission

Position Held:

Dy. Chief Planning Officer


January 2010


December 2011


Dzongkhag Administration, Bumthang

Position Held:

Sr. Planning Officer






Gross National Happiness Commission

Position Held:

Planning Officer


Work Experience


Name of assignment or project: Climate Ambition Support Alliance

Year: November 2020 – Till date

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Least Developed Countries Group Chair under UN Climate Change  

Main project features: Support LDC Chair and Group’s engagement in the climate change negotiations.

Positions held: Climate Diplomacy Advisor

Activities performed:

Lead LDC Chair’s Office team in coordination, facilitation and engagement of the LDC Chair and Group in the climate change negotiation process.

Prepared and reviewed technical papers, briefing papers on matter related to climate change and negotiating positions on key thematic areas such as mitigation, adaptation, climate finance, etc.

Coordinated and facilitated LDC strategy and LDC Ministerial meetings

Reviewed and supported implementation of adaptation activities such as LDC Initiatives for effective adaptation and resilience and Universities Consortium on Climate Change.

Represented LDC chair in bilateral meetings with development partners such as EU, UK and speak on behalf of the LDC Group at the plenary.

Name of assignment or project: Bhutan’s Chairmanship to the LDC Group under UN Climate Change

Year: 2019 – 2020

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Least Developed Countries Group under UN Climate Change  

Main project features: Providing leadership to the LDC Group under UN Climate Change

Positions held: Lead Negotiator for the LDC Group under UN Climate Change

Activities performed:

Provided leadership to the LDC Group under UN Climate Change

Designed and prepared LDC Chair’s workplan for Bhutan’s leadership period from 2019-2020.

Lead and facilitated organization of the LDC Strategy Meetings and LDC Ministerial Meetings to discuss key issues requiring further understanding and strategizing Groups’ key position ahead of the climate change negotiations.

Provided leadership to the LDC Chair’s technical support team from the Climate Analytics, an international NGO based in Berlin and International Institute for Environment and Development based in London.

Liaised with donors, UNFCCC Secretariat, GEF and others as appropriate

Provided strategic and technical guidance to the LDC long-term initiatives such as the LIFE-AR, REEEI and the Universities Consortium on Climate Change.

Represented LDC Group at various negotiating forums, workshops, meetings and seminars.

Name of assignment or project: National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project

Year: 2018 – 2020

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Technical assessment of impacts of climate change (vulnerability, risk and adaptation measures) on key sectors – water, heath, forest, agriculture and human settlement, and preparation of national adaptation plan.

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Coordinated and facilitated engagement of technical assessment on water, health, forest, and agriculture.

Facilitated technical level discussion and consultations.

Reviewed technical assessment reports and provided feedback to finalise the technical assessment of the thematic areas.

Name of assignment or project: The Climate Promise

Year: 2018 – 2020

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: UNDP and Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Review of low emission climate resilient development strategy of industries, transport, human settlements, and waste; and preparation of Nationally Determined Contribution.

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Coordinate and facilitated engagement of consultants to review the low GHG emission climate resilient development strategy of human settlement, transport, energy, industry and waste.

Reviewed strategy documents and provided comments and inputs.

Facilitated preparation of the Nationally Determined Contribution.


Name of assignment or project: NDC Project

Year2018 – 2019

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: UNDP and Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Assessment of vulnerability, risk and adaptation measures of the impact of climate change on gender.

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Coordinated assessment of impact of climate change on gender in collaboration with National Commission for Women and Children.

Reviewed assessment report and facilitated consultations


Name of assignment or project: Third National Communication to UNFCCC

Year: 2018 – 2020

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Conduct greenhouse gas inventory, development of chapter on mitigation and adaptation.

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Facilitated and coordinated GHG inventory, technical assessment of mitigation and adaptation actions.

Reviewed and finalised Third National Communication report to the UNFCCC.


Name of assignment or project: Long-term Low Emission Climate Resilient Development Strategy

Year: 2019 – 2020

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: 2050 Pathway and Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Preparation of long-term low emission climate resilient development strategy for Bhutan.

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Concept note developed and resource mobilised for the development of long-term low emission climate resilient development strategy for Bhutan.


Name of assignment or project: Water Regulation of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2014

Year: 2014 – 2016

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Review and finalization of the Water Regulation of the Kingdom of Bhutan,

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Team lead and facilitated consultation of draft Water Regulation of the Kingdom of Bhutan

Draft reviewed and finalised

Processed approval by the government.


Name of assignment or project: Adapting to Climate Change through Integrated Water Resource Management

Year: 2015 – 2016

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Asian Development Bank and Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Preparation of integrated water resource management plan, river basin management plan, irrigation master plan.

Positions held: Project Director and Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Team lead and facilitated technical assessment including climate modelling, hydro modelling, water governance.

Closely worked with technical team and facilitated integrated water resource management plan, developed water security index to monitor water security in the country.

Established Wangchu Basin Committee and prepared Wangchu Basin Management Plan.

Established multi-stakeholder Water Resource Technical Advisory Committee


Name of assignment or project: Bhutan Drinking Water Quality Standard, 2016

Year: 2015 – 2016

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Development of Drinking Water Quality Standard

Positions held: Chief of Climate Change Division

Activities performed:

Team lead and facilitated development of drinking water quality standard.


Name of assignment or project: Living Himalaya Initiative

Year: 2015

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: WWF

Main project features: Water risk assessment, scenario and opportunities for resilient development

Positions held: Chief of Water Resource Coordination Division

Activities performed:

Worked with WWF team on the water risk assessment, scenario and opportunities for resilient development.


Name of assignment or project: 11th Five-year Development Plans

Year: 2011-2013

Location: Thimphu, Bhutan

Client: Royal Government of Bhutan

Main project features: Strategic guidance, coordination for preparation of the 11th five-year development plans, assessment of plans and programs, and monitoring implementation of plans and programs.

Positions held: Dy. Chief Planning Officer

Activities performed:

Coordinated and facilitated preparation of 11th five-year development plans and programmes of NEC, RUB and RIM.

Monitored and facilitated implementation of plans and programmes of NEC, RIM and RUB.


Name of assignment or projectCoordination, facilitation and support implementation of the dzongkhag and gewog 10th five-year development plans and programmes.

Year: 2009-2010

Location: Bumthang, Bhutan

Client: Bumthang Dzongkhag Administration

Main project features: Coordination and facilitation of implementation of the dzongkhag and gewog 10th five-year plans and programmes.

Positions held: Sr. Planning Officer

Activities performed:

Coordinated 10th five-year plan mid-term review of the dzongkhag and gewogs

Facilitated implementation of the plans and programs of the dzongkhag and gewogs

Mobilised additional resources for implementation of gewog plans and programmes


[Tenzin Wangmo]